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The Light of the World


healing blind manToday we hear Saint Luke’s description of how Jesus Christ healed a blind beggar on the road near Jericho. When this man heard who it was who was passing by, he cried out: “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.” When Jesus asked him what he wanted, he replied: “Let me see again.” Jesus Christ then announced that his faith had saved him and, able to see, he gave praise to God.

There are many accounts of healing miracles that Christ performs, and yet they also have a significance that goes beyond the healing granted to particular people. In this incident we see God’s power displayed in Jesus Christ. He is able to give sight to this man because He is Himself the Light of the world.

The healing that Christ brings is not only the literal healing of physical blindness but also a spiritual healing. We are all to some extent blind, for our vision has been corrupted by the fall. We might think that we can see clearly, but too often how we perceive things is blurred by our own passions. Like this man, we need to learn to see with the eyes of faith.

This man knew that he was blind, but too often we go to great lengths to convince ourselves that our way of seeing things is right. Admitting that we are at least partially blind, that we do not have all the answers, or that there may be other ways of seeing things, can be very threatening. Yet it is only when we can recognise our own need and cry out to God in humility that we are able to receive His gift of healing.

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