On Sunday, 17 January, His Eminence Archbishop Sergios Metropolitan Bishop of Cape Town officiated at the Service of the Holy Eucharist which included and Artoclasia in honour of Saint Andonis and a Mnimosino (memorial Service) for the late Archbishop Pavlos Varnavas Metropoitan Bishop of Cape Town. With him were Reverend Father Nikolaos Giamouridis, Deacon Father Michael Simos and Deacon Nicholas Esterhuizen. The Service was held in the presence of Mr Fotis Sousalis, vice president of the Hellenic Community of Cape Town and Mr Basil Bardopoulos, the honorary treasurer
In his address after the Service His Eminence said that the late Archbishop Pavlos was the first Archbishop of Good Hope. He was appointed by the Holy Synod in 1968. He arrived in Cape Town from Pretoria (where he served as parish priest for a number of years). He arrived in Cape Town with very limited resources and encountered many challenges and difficulties in creating the first permanent residence and Archbishopric of Good Hope in Cape Town. Despite his limitations he managed with God’s help to develop a structure for the immense Jurisdiction which included the Western Cape, Southern Cape, Northern Cape, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Orange Free State, Swaziland, Lesotho and Namibia (then South West Africa). He was very committed to the Church and often travelled extensively to many remote areas to serve his flock.
His Eminence said that he served for thirty years until he fell asleep on 18 January, which is the day that we celebrate the Feast Day of the Saints Athanasios and Cyril who both served as Patriarchs in Alexandria. He said that the Alexandrian Saints are very significant for us and that our own president of the Hellenic Community of Cape Town, Athanasios Martalas was born in Alexandra and that people who come from there have always been active in the Communities and Parishes. And in his absence His Emoinencr thanked Mr Martalas for his valuable contribution to the Hellenic Community and Parish of Cape Town.
His Eminence referred to the Gospel reading of the day about the ten lepers that Christ healed and only one leper came back to thank Christ for healing him. He said that in our lives we all receive many gifts, however only a few of us turn to God in Faith and give thanks to Him. Finally he wished everyone who was celebrating their name days.